Do you play Pokémon for the story? : pokémon go

Since Red and Blue, many of the newer games seem to be more involved in terms of story. The evil team plays a larger role, characters other than the main player are more fleshed out, and there’s quite a few more plot-critical cutscenes and fights. All this to say that Pokémon appears to be putting greater care into creating a detailed and substantial narrative.

On one hand, that’s a good thing. There’s more reason for you to journey around the region other than to become champion. The characters in the world have deeper backstories. In fact, story has become so much more prominent that people increasingly factor this into their opinion of the games (general consensus is that Ultra sun/moon are better gameplay-wise, but poorer story-wise).

On the other, having more plot isn’t necessarily a plus when a major appeal of the games is creating your narrative. If the story isn’t enough to keep you engaged, it might feel like an unwelcome intrusion on your own quest- whatever path you choose to take. Cutscenes can become excessive roadblocks if you’re only interested in exploring the world for yourself, no world-threatening scenario required.

Personally, I’m in the second camp. I rarely pay attention to the story and just want to finish the game as quickly as possible. Then, I take my time to thoroughly explore the region: talk to NPCs, walk around different locales, experience all the side quests and mini games. Sun and Moon felt much slower to me- not because the story was bad, at all. It’s just that I was more interested in Alola and my character than the dramatic conflict between Lillie and her mother.

How do you feel about story in Pokémon games? Do you see it as a welcome addition, or an unnecessary intrusion?

Submitted August 12, 2018 at 10:33AM by doongie4200


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