Please help me!!! (Long post)

Ok so here goes. I have two fur babies. One named Hazy(3 years) and one named Potato (1 year). My fiance and I have opposite schedules which forces us to sleep in separate rooms on most nights. Hazy has a things where she will howl every morning at 5am when my fiance's coffee maker goes off. It's like clockwork every single morning. I get off work and sleep at around the same time. I keep my door closed because Hazy and Potato like to play in my room. They still meow and bang on my door while I'm trying to sleep. It usually subsides after a few hours, but sometimes I go back into work five or six hours after I get off work (it's a terrible schedule but good money). They don't do it as bad to her as they do to me. They always have food and litter boxes available literally at all times. I just don't know what to do. I'd never think about getting rid of them, not even for a second. I'd like to get some consistent sleep though. We've tried squirt bottles and it had some effect at first, but the naughty one (Hazy) has grown honery and doesn't really respond anymore. Is there any advice from y'all that may help me get a little more sleep? I get sleep after their active hours, but that keeps me from getting daily activities done until later in the day. My sleep is precious, also are my kitties. I'd like to get a better nights sleep during their active hours, but all of our hours are very conflicting. Thank you for any advice!!!


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